Show 1 “Education Early Years learners”: 10:30-11:30 am £6 per ticket.
Education and groups are invited to join us for an hour long show of Makaton signing and singing. The morning show is aimed at Early years and Primary and features a mixed repertoire of Makaton-signed rhymes/action songs & a few pop/show tune-style songs.
Show 2 “Education Older learners”: 1:30-2:30 pm £6 per ticket.
The afternoon is aimed at secondary pupils and older learners/college students and features a mix of pop songs, film songs and show tunes.
Show 4 “Community”: 11am-12 £6 per ticket.
Community Makaton family session. Community Makaton family fun. This is an opportunity for everyone to come and join us for a mixture of rhymes, action songs and pop songs.